Saturday, December 6, 2008

Praying in Church

I wish I had a picture to post for this, but I just don't have one. This melted my heart more than anything Camden has done to date. We were in Texas over Thanksgiving and had a chance to go to Church with Camden's Granna and Pop. They go to a very large Church so we had no problem taking Camden into the service and sitting in the very back with him. For a while Camden had fun playing with the backs of the pews. He would pull all the papers out and little pencils and hand them to us. Luckily no one was sitting behind us. While Camden was in the middle of playing, the pastor began his sermon. Their pastor is very loud and speaks with authority. Camden sensing the change in the sermon let out an "oh" and turned around as quick as could be. He sat down in the pew between Granna and me (mama). He folded his little hands as tight as he could, bowed his head and closed his eyes. He sat there for roughly five seconds before letting out a very heartfelt (and loud) "a-men". After that he went back to playing. It was such a sweet and heartfelt prayer that he did on his own prompting. We aren't quite sure what he could be praying for but we know we must be doing something right.


Anonymous said...

I have a picture for this! I can just see Camden doing this! He is sooooooo adorable! I double dog anyone to disagree with me!


Liz and Ty said...

I'm so glad you blogged this so you'll always remember because it's the little details that can get lost. Not that you could ever forget a moment as cute as that though. Wish I could have been there.