Thursday, November 6, 2008

Munkin Patch

Camden's language has exploded in the last month and it has been so much fun. He is not perfect at every word but he is having fun being our little parrot. We have been doing a lot of talking about pumpkins this month, thus came the word "munkin".
We took advantage of a nice Saturday in October and drove to a local farm and munkin patch.
We had a great time exploring this farm with Camden. He enjoyed the animals and the abundance of land to run on.
In the end we came home with four munkins (one for Pepper) to sit on our front porch to welcome visitors.

The great munkin search begins.
He was mostly just looking for a munkin he could pick up.
Not quite Camden, try again.

Now you have the idea Camden.

Good pick Camden.

Dada found the good munkins we had to pick off the vine.

Camden's first time rolling around in the hay barn.

This area was filled with tons of little dried corn kernels.
Camden could barely walk in it, but we had a hard time pulling him away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At first I thought you missspelled Pumpkin, but after reading I got it. I love the profile picture of Camden with his pumpkin. What a cool farm to have a place for kids to play in corn kernals.