My how time flies. I am not even going to try to post a bunch of things about December. I am just going to review in one long post. Next I will try to tackle January.
December was a fun month for our family. I don't think we could have packed one more activity in the month. We had a great time doing different activities as a family. One of the first things we did (and still love to do) is take Camden to a local children's museum. We have had a membership since August and have been many times. However on this visit Camden found the face painting station. I guess it was bound to happen sometime. Camden had a great time learning how to color all over his face. As you can tell he was happy with the end result.
This is our cute boy on Christmas (I am a little out of order). My mom has started this tradition that she buys her grandkids a pair of Christmas jammies to open on Christmas eve. They wear them to bed and wake up all festive on Christmas day.
Camden's jammies this year said "What Santa doesn't bring me Grandma will"
Before Christmas we got the opportunity to take Camden on his first tour of the local ER.
We put Camden to bed one evening and Camden would have none of it. He figured out a way to crawl out of his crib and fall to the floor. We heard a large thump and scream. We could tell right away that it wasn't good. Camden would not stop crying and holding his arm. We knew something was really wrong when we turned on cartoons and put him in our bed, and he was still crying. So we got ready and headed to the ER. After a couple of hours, Motrin and some X-rays, we found out he had fractured his wrist. He was very close to breaking his arm. We were very lucky. They put his arm in a splint and sent us home.
I think Camden's face says it all.
Next was the big storm that hit the Northwest. We were told that the town we lived in was going to be one of the hardest hit places. We were ready for it. Once the wind came, we were not prepared for Camden to be so scared. When we put him to bed he hugged the farthest corner of his crib from the window and cried. We knew we couldn't sleep him in his room that night, so we prepared to sleep him with us. Sometime after 11PM Camden finally gave into the exhaustion and fell asleep. It was touch and go for the rest of the night. Luckily we never lost power, but many houses around us did.
This is a picture I took very early in the morning of my two favorite boys sleeping.
The storm however brought us lots of snow over the Christmas holiday. We had fun taking Camden to play in the snow. This was the first year Camden could walk in the snow. He did a great job. We even took him sledding at the local elementary school. I think he preferred to walk over sledding.

We had a great Christmas this year. Camden was a year older and we had fun watching him delight in opening presents. The highlight was my brother being home for Christmas. It had been at least three years since I spent a holiday with him. Having my brother and his wife home certainly made this Christmas special.
One of our favorite gifts we got this year was a Nintendo Wii. We really enjoy playing it together. We also had fun with all of the family that enjoyed it. This is a picture of my sister-in-law Laura playing guitar hero, not to be outdone by me playing Camden's toy guitar.